Advancing Health in the City of Rochester (Fall 2021)
Fall 2021
October 12, 2021
We know you're probably thinking one more email in your inbox isn't good for your health. Us too. We're going to keep it short and sweet, but once a quarter we'd love to send you a brief summary of how your prayers and partnerships are helping us impact real people in real places for the good of the community and the glory of God.
There are four conditions that can negatively affect health -- economic, nutrition, housing, and education. Your financial gifts and prayers help us address these areas in practical ways within the City of Rochester. If left unaddressed, these conditions can lead to toxic stress, chronic diseases, poor mental health, a lesser quality of life and shortened life span.
Here are some highlights of how we were able to share hope, healing and restoration this quarter...
Between July 1st- Sept 30th we saw 947 total patients, had 116 behavioral health visits, and administered 68 COVID-19 tests to people in our community.
In August, we received over 350 toys and books from Pirate Toy Fund to distribute to kids ages 0-12 when they visit our office.
These gifts will build a greater amount of trust between patients and providers all while adding a dose of fun as we encourage our patients to begin making health a habit as early as possible.
In September, we were awarded a grant from FLPPS in which we will receive $640,000 over two years to help us expand medical care and behavioral health care teams. During this time, we will be adding walk-in hours at our Beechwood Office in order to meet the needs of the Spanish-speaking community. We will also be partnering in this grant with IBERO to create referral pathways and develop cultural competency among our team.
Click here to visit our Impact page to get more information about our partnerships.
In September we welcomed a new provider, Brittany Hullings, N.P., to our team. Since adding daily walk-in hours this summer, we've seen a steady increase in demand. Adding Brittany to the team allows us to provide access to care for even more people! She comes with experience in the ICU and surgical nursing in multiple specialties. Most recently she has worked as a Nurse Practitioner with Strong Orthopedics.
Brittany is most excited to serve her community by shining the light of Christ to her patients as she cares for their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
We are accepting new patients of all ages if you (or a friend/family member) are in need.
Call our office at 585.235.2250 to set up a new patient visit.
If you are looking for places to give as we approach the end of the year, our most significant current needs are the Patient Assistance Fund which helps directly cover immediate costs of patients including emergency meals, transportation, medication, etc, and our Building Fund as we anticipate upcoming construction projects at our Arnett office.
If you're looking to make an even greater impact with your contribution, consider joining Roots, which is our community of monthly donors. Click here for more info and set up a recurring donation!
We thank you for your continued support in prayer and partnership as we further our efforts to bring hope, healing, and restoration to the community here in the City of Rochester. Better is possible!
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
-John 15:5