The Roots Collective

is an essential part of our mission to bring Hope, Healing, and Restoration to the people of Rochester as our strongest base of sustaining donors! Currently, The Roots Collective is inclusive of all individuals, families, and organizations who have made contributions totaling at least $300 annually (both one-time and recurring gifts included), allowing us to meet the most tangible and urgent needs of our patients and keep our operations not only running, but growing, as we had a record high of over 10,000 patient visits in 2023!

As part of The Roots Collective, you’ll be able to step into the story here as we invite you to engage personally with our mission through special events and exclusive opportunities. We believe that your generosity not only impacts the people we serve, it can also inspire others to grow in support for us. Your investment will be acknowledged as part of our Collective for your support with the hopes that it will in turn ignite curiosity and generosity from others.

Want to join others in supporting our mission? We would love to have you! A one-time or monthly donation reaching at least $300 annually will count you in as a member of The Roots Collective. You’ll automatically be enrolled in communications about our Collective events and opportunities. If you’d like to discuss how to start a new donation, or increase your current giving to be a part of the collective, please reach out to Mike for assistance!

All donations are tax-deductible.
Donors will receive a year-end statement for your records.
 If you have any questions, or need additional assistance, please reach out to our Financial Director, Josh Moody, at

Thank you to our current members of The Roots Collective!

Adam Larrabee
Alan & Catherine Goodfellow
Anna Pan
Anonymous (4)
Avon Wesleyan Church
Beth Larter
Bill & Maureen Carpenter
Bond, Shoeneck & King Attorneys
Brenda Miller
*Browncroft Community Church
*Calvary Assembly
Catherine Henn
Chris & Amy Pollock
Chris Passero
Constellation Brands
Crossroads Bible Fellowship
Dan Carpenter
Dave & Ann Marie Palermo
David Beinetti
David Everson
*Direct Relief
Doug & Colleen Patella
Dr. Bill & Susan Morehouse
Dr. Brad & Melissa Van Heukelum
Dr. Christine Birnie-Jagadesh
Dr. Myron Glick (Jericho Road)
Ed & Debbie Sawyer
Ed & Wendy Diaz
Ben Pearson (ENALAS Group)
Eugene and Judy Young
Eric Lintala
Gavin & Krista Jenkins
Grace Road Church
Greater Rochester Health Foundation
Harris Beach PLLC
Heveron & Company CPAs
Integritas Group, LLC
James and Christine Malvaso
Jeffery Ellis Carl Cabinet Makers
John Engels
John & Lisa Ebel

Jonathan & Christina Walters
Joy Community Church
Keith & Kathy Smith
Keith and Valerie Horn
Kirk Dueker
Last Man Standing Club
Lauren Fraiser
Lawrence Farnand
Lisa Smith
Marian Boutet
Marathon Engineering
Mark & Nan Dudley
Mark & Robin Kukla
Mario & Michel Melidona
Michael & Carrie Beinetti
Mike & Emily Waller
Mission Health NY
New Life Ministries
Nicholas & Desarai Conn
Northridge Church
Passero Architects
Passero Realty
PC Results
Penny Crudup
Priscilla Hennig
Randy Arnold
Randy & Alison Delgatti
*Rhythm Systems, Inc.
Rich & Lynette Van Heukelum
Rick & Elisa Cortina
Rick & Courtney Dyer
Rochester Christian Reformed Church
Roger & Nancy Mack
Sam & Leslie Huey
Spark Content
St. Ann's Management Company Inc.
Stuart J. Mitchell III 
Tom Mitchell
*Tiny Fish Printing
Walter & Gail Johann
World Relief WNY

*Designates In-Kind donation

We’d love to welcome you as a new member of The Roots Collective in 2025!

"Generosity begets generosity. This is especially so when
generosity is rooted in the rich soil of relatedness." 

-Sue Mosteller (CSJ Henri Nouwen Trust)